Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Outta Gas...

Jesson has this rule. He calls it the 1/4 tank rule. Allegedly, when the gas needle reaches 1/4 tank, we are supposed to fill it up. The trouble is, if I get a little busy or don't feel like stopping I might let the needle get a little past a 1/4 tank. Well, when Buddy came to visit I let the needle get way past 1/4 tank, so far in fact that we ran out of gas on our way to WalMart. Luckily, there was a nice bench for us to sit on while we waited for the AAA guy to bring us more gas. So the moral of the story kids......always pay your AAA membership!

We managed to push the car off the main road onto a side street near campus.

Jesson and Buddy waiting........

.....and waiting.

My view from laying down on the bench waiting.


Happy said...

Those pictures made this story SOOO funny! I got a good laugh out of that, thanks for sharing!

rumplejane said...

I have had this story play out with Brendan too ... more then once :|