Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pet Videos

Pictures might be worth a thousand words, but a video is way better! Jesson and I thought we would post a video of each of our pets. The videos actually represent their personalities pretty well. Enjoy!

This video was taken when Reno was having his pre-purchase vet exam done. If you watch until the end, he gets bored and decides to turn the lunging time into a moving buffet. I bought a very talented horse!

This video is Nano eating a corn cob. Jesson ate it and put it in his trash can but as soon as we turned around Nano had stolen it and taken it into his bed to eat. We thought we would reenact the crime and catch it on tape.

This final video is Griffon swimming and playing with a volleyball at my parent's house. I use the term swimming very loosely because Griffon is a terrible swimmer (hence the lifevest you will see him wearing!)

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